So basically the virus was engineered; activated by electromagnetic waves, creates piezoelectricity, transfers electrons, produces free radicals, induces reactive oxygen species, leads to oxidative stress and results in disease.

In response The Mac to his Publication

So in theory the engineered vaccine, is activated by electromagnetic waves, creates piezoelectricity, transfers electrons, produces free radicals, induces reactive oxygen species, leads to oxidative stress, results in desease, passing the BBB, changes the DNA, absorbs incoming light, upconverts the light, creates a magnetic dipole moment, acts as a quantum bit, converts to photonic switch and optogenetically controls the brain remotely.

Veteran, Constitutional Law, Equality. Restore Our Rights & Constitutional Laws • On TS as TheStormIsUponUs @TheStormIsUponUs

In response The Mac to his Publication

In general, the choice is your to know or continue to mislead people with your rediculous deceptions and with that you are an insignificant person in the big picture of the CV19 and the Vaxx. As a person uneducated in the real facts about this vaxx. If it were only the mRNA to allow your body to make just the Spike Protein of CV19 within the cell but not in the DNA explain why people are shedding skin cells with the actual virus of CV19 in them ? You can't unless it changed the DNA. There is substaintially less ae knoa about CV19 than we do know. Facts are facts simple as that.

spike protein being produced after vax outside the cells will eventually filter through the spleen (and lymph nodes and worse ovaries) and is discarded through aspiration or shedding. This is in the simplest terms of course.

Veteran, Constitutional Law, Equality. Restore Our Rights & Constitutional Laws • On TS as TheStormIsUponUs @TheStormIsUponUs

In response CJJM Patriot to her Publication

Its not just lntroducing the Spike protein , but, the whole virus and the Big Pharm are not being truthful about this , as it can oly lntoduce the Spike Protein in the Ribosomes , outside the cell nucleus, but, to produce the entire virus it has to be recoding DNA from within the nucleus of the cell . So if the CV19 is being shed in skin cells its in the DNA which is very very bad for all who got the vaxx. Remember, 100% of all test animals died after 1 year and since when have they had to bribe people to get a vaxx , ANSWER : never before in history.

I admit I am very fearful of what is to come. I love my parents and both my brothers dearly and they all got vaxed. I have to meditate everyday for strength.
Your thoughts on shedding?
Should the unvaxed be careful around the vaxed?
I have school age children who are around vaxed friends.
I believe shedding is real or they would not have spent so much time and $ on it.
Can we, the unvaxed develop natural immunity from shedders.

Only if they are coughing or sneezing. The chance of inhaling a skin cell are low although it could happen. If your concerned wear an N95 Mask and change the cartrigdes monthly. The most important thing is wash your hands with soap and water often and never touch your face without, first washing your hands.
Even if you catch CV19 Virus, take HCQ, Zinc, Azithromyacin and vitamin D and C and after the onset of symltoms in 8-16 hours you'll be well and continue the meds for 7 days or to whenever the Z Pack runs out. Its 99.98% survivable and the chance of dying from CV19 virus is less likely than getting killed by a lightning strike.
If you have any questions please ask as I will try to belp. I will pramy for your loved ones too. I don't believe God will let Lucifer and the fallen kill 200-300 million people as CHRIST the Messiah will return before that happens.

In response CJJM Patriot to her Publication

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Patriot Truth Seeker / Researcher Scorpio Native Texas Southerner

This is where you lost me. It's the flu dear.

I still believe in the goodness and generosity of the American people. I love my country and will always STAND for GOD, Family and Freedom.

I am with you. I believe in the love and mercy of GOD our Father.