Female Patriot, here to learn, here to find pieces to the puzzle, I've always known WE didn't have the whole story. Love & peace for a
192 (HJR-192)
Pres. F. D. Roosevelt was not "expressly authorized or required" to "issue an E.O. or proclamation" demanding the publicto relinquish their privately held gold.
The U.S. gov't, in order to provide goods,& services, created a commercial bond by pledging the labor, life & body of its citizens, as payment for debt. This bond made chattel (property) out of all in the US. We became nothing but "human resources"& collateral. This was w/out our knowledge/consent. It was done thru the filing of our birth certificates!
The United States gov't-took cert. copies of all our birth certificates and placed them in the US Dept of Commerce as registered securities. These sec carries an est. one million dollar value, has been circulating the world as collateral for loans, just like any other security. There's one problem, we didn't authorize it.
The US. is a District of Columbia corp. In Volume 20: Corpus Juris Section 1785, "The U.S. gov't is a foreign corp with respect to a State"

What we can do: Write yourself out of the register and open a combined civilian BV=closed partnership, and write yourself in that closet partnership. All members are paying contrubution (in stead of tax) as a reserve for when they are sick or to old to work. The thing is that you need enough members to pay those who are to old to work or became ill. But for the last point, you can take an insurance. What you get is something like a Kibbutz: villages where people work in their owned facturies and/or farms etc. They share in the profits. Everybody works together to build the homes, the roads, the gardens for vegetables etc. And I think this can be a good future. Should we buy land? No: the land is allready ours if you are born in it. And that is the point right now: they want to dislocate the people from their country, so that they can sell it to the rich and wealthy. >minerals, metals, gemstones, diamonds etc. = money. You get it? Relocate yourself and you will lose your country!
well, the ownership of the land is another conundrum. I will have to research that but I am pretty sure that the gov't has got a title to the land via congressional amendments. Meaning you go to the title office and they offer up a deed but in reality the deed isn't worth the paper it's written on. And then another twist to this plot we are not citizens of any faction at this point, we were merely chattel owned by the corporation. More or less like dawgs, whatever that dawg owns belongs to the owner. They freakin own us they got a registration number that states we are owned and registered to THE UNITED STATES CORP. Including but not limited to the property that we reside on. So... I believe if I am not mistaken that bc the US corp is in bankruptcy, their assets (us) have been forfeited or surrendered in lieu of repayment. Thus the White House and all buildings have been more or less confiscated. (fences) But yeah, a village, barter and trade; back to a simpler way of life! I am for it

We are chattel? How can one own the people? Like they are sheeple?
No way. We belong to the tribes and later the clans with a headman or leader. A chosen leader. That's why we go to vote. They can twist on paper the rules and the laws, but we know better.

Female Patriot, here to learn, here to find pieces to the puzzle, I've always known WE didn't have the whole story. Love & peace for a
sorry but the truth remains, the issue that we were used as collateral, for the debt to other countries. The information is out there if you choose to research it.