ALL WORLD Governments, msm, social media,. Who cdc, nhi, fauci clone , gates double un, nato doctors associations, big pharma, pharmacists, nurses governors, mayors, chiefs of police , many police, will be tried and convicted at the Hague. Lock downs, masks, travel passports, fake vacines are ending. Parents are standing up to school boards, people are joining in the streets.
Star link is free, 7500 times faster, free energy, free communications, free med beds, free medical, humanitarian funds for free homes, cars, travel, food, good drinking water. Everyone will have more than enough.
Debt removal has begun in some countries of mortgages, car loans, student loans.
Med beds are currently being used for the children and alliance and will continue to roll out to the public. Eventually they will be in community centres, hospitals, schools.
New patents will also roll out.