If you are chosen , you have spent your entire life in search of the True God, and satan has set him self against you or maybe even tried to bring you into his fold with others, wiccans or black magic users or even those in public office. You have essentially thrown out the lukewarm lying churches whos followers sin constantly, who dont ever speak of the war in front of us and through us. I call the last ten years my ten year prayer, because it is all day everyday. People dont understand how the demonic possesses them in the most subtle ways but a chosen person feels it all day every day, This is what we falsely call being empathic. the elect of the so called empathic dont succumb to ugly battles they flee from them , but those with traumas are on the front lines trying to figure out what the heck is happening or actually figuring it out with prayer and regaining the ability to stand.
Ive felt numerous people die from their deeds against me, seen sad misfortunes happen to others .

There is no division but that which you choose to create. Love unites us all. Fear only exists when you deny this truth. ❤🌟😉
God protects his own. I wouldn't have believed it until I saw these things for myself. Be careful who you treat badly. Live as Jesus taught you (not churches)