It continues to piss me off that people think it isn’t that bad, or that I (me) shouldnt believe everything I read or watch about it.
I was abused by my father so my mom doesn’t want me to talk about any of this. Not sure if it is because she feels guilty or what.
But I want to scream at her sometimes & I am 53 & my dad died when I was 7. But I guess it is something that I will always live with
anger about it & all the innocent children that it happens to or worse happens to. Sorry for rambling.

I trust only the ones I love. I'm a verbal assassin, a #SaveOurChildren sniper. I spread God, Truth and Love. I'M NOT HERE FOR FOLLOWERS..
fuck you, never be sorry for being real...nuff said.../salute

Kids grow up and never forget the betrayals by those who were supposed to take care of them. Millions of adults feel the same. We can never allow the pedos to prevail.