⚠️☠️⚠️☠️⚠️☠️⚠️ GLOBAL POISON ALERT ⚠️☠️⚠️☠️⚠️☠️⚠️
💅 PART 2 OF 3 💅
We spoke to one Infectious Disease specialist from a hospital in New Jersey this morning. We sent the actual autopsy findings to him and asked for his thoughts.
When he called back a while later, he was clearly shaken-up. He told us “You cannot quote me by name, I will get fired by the hospital if you do.” We agreed to conceal his identity.
He then told us:
“People think that only a MINORITY of people get adverse effects from the vaccine.
Based on this new research, it means that everyone – EVENTUALLY -will have adverse effects, because those spike proteins will be binding to ACE2 receptors everywhere in the body.