Anyone who is living in fear or still demanding that action has to be taken now or this country will be destroyed...please go read the book of Job in the Bible. For one there are things we just dont understand,but there is nothing God isnt capable of. The LORD doesnt bring these bad things upon us,but we can fall victim to other peoples sin. See Satan has no authority over man ...we give our authority over to him. He cant accomplish any of this evil on his own thats why he has to work through us. He lies,deceives, and tricks people into giving him their authority. If he didnt need us to do his works he would do it on his own .I know God is about to do something in this world that has never been seen before.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,and the Word was God. John 1:1
Pray to him ...tell him you want to get to truly know him.Pray and ask him to show you what he put you on this earth to do for him . Most importantly start thanking him now for all he is about to do because his love for all of us even those who have done horrible things unconditional & he doesnt want to lose a single soul. Pray those who do evil repent and turn their eyes and hearts back to him.