There is no division but that which you choose to create. Love unites us all. Fear only exists when you deny this truth. ❤🌟😉
nice sentiment but I'm pretty sure that people who are forcing others to get vaccinated are not 'friends'.
There is no division but that which you choose to create. Love unites us all. Fear only exists when you deny this truth. ❤🌟😉
You can spread information without attacking others. That's what I meant. Simply present information without using terms like "liberals" or "democrats". Remember, we basically want the same things when you get right down to it. It's only a different perspective. Present information as neutrally as possible, and let them make up their own minds. That is how you win people over (it works).
I agree, to a point. However, there are many who have suffered or who are currently suffering greatly at the hands of evil people. I don't think it's right for any of us to tell people how they should feel about that personal experience.
There is no division but that which you choose to create. Love unites us all. Fear only exists when you deny this truth. ❤🌟😉
Do you really want to say that to a child who is being abused and tortured? An adult who has been through that? Our words matter, we need to be mindful to not turn people away with our insensitivity.