Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.
As a military person stationed in the sand I want you to really think about something for me.
What if you were separated from your wife/husband in a position that only allowed you to contact them maybe once a week. Let's say you are very close to where the Ever Given is. How do you think your spouse would react when they read a post saying there is a nuke on board that is going to explode if tampered with, or maybe the one where 200 soldiers were killed clearing tunnels. Both of these stories are EASILY debunked with a little research. Do you think a frantic spouse is going to do research? No, they are going to try to get a hold of you, which they can't, then they are going to spend the next few days in tears worried to death your ok. This upsets you and makes you worry about them, which in turn makes an already difficult situation even worse. If you truly want to honor and respect your military pray for us and research articles like this before you blindly post them.
Discernment is critical.
I pray that each us KNOWS the incredible privilege of having such an elite team of savvy warriors working for ALL of us yesterday, today and tomorrow.
The best way we can support them is to do as much research as possible / discern it or ask others for clarity and SUPPORT everyone working to HOLD this country tight for HUMANITY.
Please respect those who are researching / not just re-posting but digging to find another nugget. God Bless all of you!
Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.
For sure. I never really thought about what goes into finding the actual truth until I started doing it myself. SOOO many lies they pile on to cover it up. I have dug for hours and hours before I found even hints to the truth. Many have spent years. I have nothing but a huge amount of respect for ANYONE who is willing to take time, no matter the amount, from their lives to help their fellow human being. To me that is the highest bar to clear. In a world so full of hate and despair anyone willing to just give even a little is a hero. God bless those who devote everything for nothing in return.
Beautifully said, and thank you for your service. It is an awesome amount of work and research you share. We should want to accomplish more, seek the truth, know that we have helped ourselves and maybe another! We are always stronger together, with no ego involved.
GOD BLESS you and keep plowing through this deadly battleground of lies. We will succeed. NO DOUBTS.