Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.
Want to be a super sleuth and be able to tell if something you see is a bogus post? Here are a couple of free websites I use to do just that.
I no way endorse or am affiliated in any way. Remember always do your own research versus just taking my word for it.
1. https://www.fotoforensics.com/ This site allows you to see if a photo has been photo shopped in anyway. It takes practice to get good at it but I am sure you will have plenty of that.
2. https://globe.adsbexchange.com/ This site allows you to track flights. Click the U in the upper right hand corner for military flights only.
3. https://www.vesselfinder.com This site allows you to track ships.
4.https://tineye.com/ This site allows you to see if a picture has ever been used on the net before. It has it's weaknesses but is generally good.
5. https://tfr.faa.gov This site allows you to see all areas that have been blocked from air travel and why.
6. https://whitehouse.gov1.info/webcam/index.html Self explanatory.

Interesting to see the increase in blocked areas of air travel for 2020/2021 compared to previous years.

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.
Agreed, why do you think that is? Another question is how do we know what we see on satellite images are actually true?
To be honest I am sure we are only seeing what they want us to see.
While people can put pieces of the puzzle together, if we weren't to know about it, we wont be told/shown but also keeping in mind, what we are shown might not even be true LOL yup I am suspicious of everything now!
However, I am sure there's tonnes of disinfo out there - even from 'legit' places.

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.
Agreed. This is why there must be more than one source and from different views. I have more than noticed information that has popped up out of nowhere that proves something true that did not exist when I looked for it months before. We are being fed of that there is no doubt.

Also things appearing in the news/online that was shared well over a year ago, but more people paying attention now or something, it is weird as someone will ask me "Did you see that xyz?" and I am thinking yeah last year lol
Maybe my timelines are wonky haha