Only followers of this user (@MrDeeds1111) can see their posts

A huge Trump supporter living in Canada.
Holy shit! I did a search and found the tweet.!!!%20(from%3Aofficialmcafee)%20(to%3Awhotookmaname)&src=typed_query

Empath. BA in ministry. Mental Health Advocate. Don't tread. Libertarian. Conservative where it counts. Pics-mine. MTN time, USA.
Did you read some of his other stuff?

A huge Trump supporter living in Canada.
No I did not, should I? I am sure his account will be deleted soon. Grab screenshots if you can.
He talks about social engineering with specificity. And ghost code. It's pretty terrifying. I'm surprised still there...But yet, Mr. Pool temporarily got the boot a few weeks ago...

A huge Trump supporter living in Canada.
I just finished reading his feed. He was/is an interesting man. I particularly liked what he had to say about income tax, he is right.

Empath. BA in ministry. Mental Health Advocate. Don't tread. Libertarian. Conservative where it counts. Pics-mine. MTN time, USA.
I'm wondering if they felt the need to put him to bed...Because he could have inspired a tidal wave...