all I know..is the more I know.. the more I know that I don't know..you know?
Brian Cates from The Epoch Times is not to be trusted.
Perhaps he should read some of Podesta's emails?
Has he looked into James Alefantis?
Has he noticed Tony Podesta has been MIA for three years?
Any comments on Marina Abramovic?
Perhaps show him when Michael Flynn himself tweeted about pizzagate .
Has he seen the video of John Podesta torturing that poor child?
Does he know about the insurance file on Anthony Wieners laptop per Sidney Powell and other high NYPD ranking officials.
I can go on and on..if this man is worried about 'looking crazy' he sure as hell does not represent this fight against Evil.
Remember what Trump said about human trafficking. He referred to it as an Ancient art.
Speak the entire truth or get out of the way.
That is a fake account on Telegram according to CJ Truth.
I believe CJ Truth.
all I know..is the more I know.. the more I know that I don't know..you know?
ah I like watching both sides (I have witnessed them attack each other)..I'm following none so blindly..as Lin Wood has stated There is Your truth and My Truth with the real truth probably being in the middle...I sit as judge and know no one is usually right 100% of the time. We can only make educated decisions listening to all sides
Love God, my country, our military and FREEDOM which isn't free.
The only One I truly follow is Jesus.