Served my country in the 80s-90s. Proud husband and father. Always asking questions. Looking for the truth.
Know what? Is it for a variant, the vaxxed, those taken off to "camps" because of a variant or who refuse to vaxx and who get murdered there, or could this even be for all of the persons about to be executed for crimes against humanity over the next 4 years in that country?
A huge Trump supporter living in Canada.
All good points. My best guess is for the people that had the jab. Dr. Judy Mikovits said that 50 million people will die in the USA from the shot. Let' see what happens. 😪
I know it is appearing this way as so many scientists, virologists, and doctors who studied the ingredients & animal tests tell us they will die in 3 years. We know they were blocked from reaching the mainstream population with these warnings. We are the minority who know what their plan was. Yet, I still find it hard to believe that so many people were okay with this plan and what they were doing that will cause at least 1/3 of the global population to die, including their friends and family. I believe in my gut that there was enough interference by enough good people that this will not happen. There is a video of the President of the Philipines threatening jab or jail. In the end, he says, if you refuse, I will jab you with ivermectin myself. That is the safe anti-parasitic cure perhaps being used in a vax like hydroxychloroquine can be. Another letter went out to some jabbed people that they may have gotten a saline solution by mistake and need to get their anti-bodies tested.