Veteran, Constitutional Law, Equality. Restore Our Rights & Constitutional Laws • Trump 2024 Ordained by God.
Also everything I post you can use it as you like and even put your own name on it , but, I do not believe in aliens that are more intelligent than humans. I am a Christain and do not believe anything which is not written in the 777 Holy Books and we have posted over 500 Written Books and over 380 Audibooks so give it some thought on why God chose this time and age to restore his Words given to his prophets for tens of thousands of years. So again, think about why God is returning them now in this age ? Some know and many do not. The Book of Jubilees can go in the garbage as it was not inspired by God and was written by the evil Enoch from the line of Cain and the Holy Enoch of Gods Words was from the line of Seth and he lived on earth for 365 years before being taken alive to Heaven for all time to come. This is how our Father in Heaven the Almighty “ I AM “ works in ways we can not understand.
I Recently learned about 2 Enoch’s which I didn’t know I’m embarrassed to say.
During some biblical studies I came across “Gary Wayne”and he clarified this as you have above. I love learning the truth.

Veteran, Constitutional Law, Equality. Restore Our Rights & Constitutional Laws • Trump 2024 Ordained by God.