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I have a better idea, THE HELL WITH THE MASK!!!

I Love this Country. We need our country back. Law & Order is Over Due. Justice has failed us. Trusting the Plan will take care of [them].

NO MASK has been working great for me!

yeah 1 for each ear so i don't have to anymore Covid bs

This is just stupid. And who says this works OMG Fauci a tool NOT a DR. he has no medical degree don't listen to him. EVER. He is a man who wants to control the people. Horrible excuse for a human being.

Het moet niet gekker worden! Ik zie mensen gewoon op straat met die muilkorven lopen. Ze zijn compleet gehersenspoeld door de NOS en de NPO. En het is zo slecht voor hun gezondheid! Wie had dit een paar jaar geleden zich kunnen bedenken? Ze hebben allemaal Stockholm syndroom opgelopen en hoe krijgen we ze weer normaal? We weten dat ex-sekteleden terug gespoeld kunnen worden hoor hen meerdere malen per dag een omgekeerde boodschap te brengen. Maar bijna alle kanalen zijn nog geblokkeerd op dit moment.

Proud American Patriot ,Veteran & Trump loyalist 🇺🇸 Will never quit nor get tired of winning! 🇺🇸 Fighting the fight for 40 years! 🇺🇸

Did they also show the people wearing double/triple masks falling down dead in the street from asphyxiation?

Jesus Christ is Lord! God & country & in that specific order. All lives matter including the unborn. Huge dog lover. NO DM's.
Singular stupidity, double stupidity, triple stupidity. This is an intelligence test if I ever saw one.

Loves God and Country. God Wins! Patriot. #WWG1WGA
The Trifecta

She is a Jesus loving Trump supporting patriot who is happily Married so no DM’s ⭐️🇺🇸♥️ Holding on to my bible and Hope in my Jesus.
neg for me

Believer/Christian APL 99.993 I've seen war 1st hand + more child suffering than most.
Efficiency @ suffocating the idiot wearing it?

im a retired army veteran 20 yrs i been on trump train from beginning 100% trump here. feb 28 birthday girl
no thanks