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From The Professor's Record's Telegram Channel:
The FBI knew in advance the Pulse Nightclub shooter (Omar Mateen) and were tipped off by the local sheriff. 53 dead.
• The FBI knew in advance the Las Vegas shooter (Stephen Paddock). 60 dead.
• The FBI knew in advance the San Bernardino Terrorists (Tashfeen Malik). 14 dead.
• The FBI knew in advance of the Sandy Hook shooter (Adam Lanza). 26 dead.
• The FBI knew in advance the Boston Marathon Bombers (the Tsarnaev brothers) tipped off by Russians. 3 dead, hundreds injured.
• The FBI knew in advance of the Parkland High School shooter (Nikolas Cruz). 17 dead.
• The FBI knew in advance of the Fort Hood shooter (Nidal Hasan). 13 dead.
• The FBI knew in advance of the Boulder Colorado shooter (Ahmad al-Aliwi Alissa). 10 dead.
• The FBI knew in advance the Garland, Texas, shooters (Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi). 1 dead.
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• The FBI knew in advance of 9/11 that terrorists were training in US flight schools and had plans to fly planes into buildings. 2,977 dead.
• The FBI suppressed a massive amount of evidence concerning McVeigh’s accomplices of the Oklahoma bombing. 168 dead.
• The FBI entrapped General Flynn.
• The FBI knew in advance and facilitated 1/6.
• The FBI is a terrorist organization weaponized against it's own countrymen.

I trust only the ones I love. I'm a verbal assassin, a #SaveOurChildren sniper. I spread God, Truth and Love. I'M NOT HERE FOR FOLLOWERS..
F eed
B rainwashed
I diots

I agree with all, except 9/11. I really do believe there were no planes. Cannot see how an aluminium plane can fly through a steel and concrete building at multiple levels and poke an undamaged nose cone out the other side. Planes were spotted by on the ground planted witnesses, ready to spread the fact they saw planes to other people on the ground and to news broadcasts, and planes CGI'd for news reports.

US LEGAL resident alien, WWG1WGA, Out of Darkness into Light. Tallyho!!
The XFiles told us what the FBI really was...the enforcers for a consortium of world powerful business men.

Outsider, Patriot, Truther, son of God, Never quits, Stops at nothing .

And lot of these r lies they spoon fed us!