By Judy Byington:
Massive planned cyber attacks coming soon. Internet, TV networks and medias will be shutdown, weather news report are down so planes can’t fly, ships are kept in sea and can’t enter ports, global electricity power outage and the shutdown of the current corrupt financial system at the same time. The nuclear power plants will be targeted by cyber attacks from CCP and other countries. This will trigger a nuclear war emergency alert. (EBS) Emergency Broadcast System will be activated and will initiate Global Martial law. The military will be all over the cities worldwide for our security. They will provide food, water and help for everyone in needs.
Project Odin, Starlink New Internet 2.0 will be activated and available to all for free access. The revelations of truths will be shown on this free uncensored platform. This will be the 10 days of darkness we are waiting for.

Open mind. Awake, here for a purpose. The purpose is to build a new world. . For us all to be Free.
Read from more than one source Judy Byington is disinfo