“In 1943 when Nikola Tesla passed away, the Office of Alien Property swooped in and stole everything...Tesla's notes, letters, diagrams, schematics, everything […] They chose an MIT Electrical Engineering professor, Dr. John Trump, to review Tesla's papers.
That's right, President Donald John Trump's uncle was the first (and perhaps only) person to see all of Tesla's papers before they were classified and disappeared and he talked openly to his nephew about what he'd seen.
Do you have goosebumps yet? I do and we're just getting started!”
(from the comments)
Tesla Meets Trump Meets Q: Can Q See the Future? (C'mon! We're all thinking it!) - LENORA THOMPSON, WRITER
Q just seems to know a little too much about X, Y and Z years before X, Y and Z actually happen. Hey! If the Simpsons can predict the future, why can't Q!?!