I’m a Proud Patriot Harley Riding Plumber from Canada trying to offer support & Fight the Good Fight! DS & Affiliates R Going Down! Thank Q
Best intel heard today:
1. DC is broke, City of London is broke & The Vatican (3 evil pillars of Cabal) assets seized
2 Navy on the move in our oceans to prevent cabal escape by submarine or boat since last week
3. Release AZ audit results to occur hopefully tomorrow
4. They will try to shutdown schools & do more cyber attacks ie ransomware
5. Blackouts contingent upon audits & likely to occur in the coming days/weeks
6. First big arrest probably Bidan after audit results released to public
7. Cabal Companies that control MSM: Disney, General electric, Viacomm, CBS, and Time Warner
8. After 3 days starlink satellite will give us Tesla free energy, it will go up as soon as the blackout occurs
9. An estimated 3 days with no electricity
10. Stock market crash to occur during blackout
11. A new base called Tierra Del Fuego an island near Argentina where military tribunals are taking place since GITMO is full
12. Military alliance are doing arrests & not contingent on audit
Good stuff. Regarding the AZ audit, many said would be released on Trump birthday. So THAT can, like SO MANY others, kicked down the mother fucking road. Won't hold my breath for tomorrow either.
That said, thanks for the update! Hope we SEE things happen imminently......as in TODAY! It is LONG past time!
🙄We can not trust anything. They have said it was today .. And what about the rallies they preached about in May.? It's all crazy and I've lost the spark. Have seen your posts and can easily follow you all the way. Trust ha ha I do not believe in anything more, for one lie after another to keep us going.😩
What is troubling to me is that for many "The Great Awakening" hasn't even begun. Think about it......everyone knows with certainty that there are criminals roaming free. ZERO arrests. None. We have no country. Millions suffering. ZERO arrests. Again, if Patriots in Control a SINGLE ARREST to awaken the masses would be as simple as the pure, fresh and clean coconut cream pie I am about to devour.
That is why I am so baffled folks aren't up in arms. Right now and today we have nothing at all. And that should be scary for even the folks who aren't suffering.
Stunning to witness. Trump words won't do. Flynn declarations won't do. Linny Wood ramblings won't do. Pillow talk won't do.
No more talk. It is time for REAL and TRUE action for ALL to SEE!
No more kicking the mother fucking can down the mother fucking road! It is a time of GREAT urgency for many. Yet, STILL, nothing at all.
Add it ALL up and what does THAT tell YOU?
YOU tell ME! I believe it is rather obvious!
😫Oh yes it is hard and so many suffer from this, but it also amazes me that they have been able to manipulate us for so long. Think of all the months when we thought something was happening. .We drive around in old knowledge that we have been writing about for many years, Day after day we waffle about the same shit. Who would have thought last year on July 4th that another year would pass. We are still sitting here and are so frustrated, those behind can easily say hold the line, they know what the plan is and what is happening. We basically have no idea. A lot is misinfo and what they say does not hold water and it makes us crazy. Now we'll see if it comes in the next hours or days. Otherwise, I think many will soon throw the towel in the ring.😩😞
Sadly, but justifiably, MANY have already thrown in the towel. It's the greatest underestimation of those who concocted this disastrous plan. Trump is losing supporters by the day. Many have no idea what is going. One thing we ALL know is that we have SEEN zero justice. That is what is most baffling IF and ONLY if Patriots are REALLY and TRULY in control.
Not a single arrest for ALL to see. Not even a "ok, here is Schiff's head just so you all realize we are ending this entire mockery". Nothing. Just empty words from Trump and the other grifters. Look at Flynn. Look at Wood. Look at Pillows. Look at Powell. Look at them ALL. All the talkers have 1 single thing in common.....ZERO action.
Is what it is what it is. Brutal, but true. And until we SEE all members of the low IQ, pure trash cult get arrested, perp walked, tried and hung, we have no country. And EVERYONE knows it!
Stunning what we are witnessing! Absolutely disgraceful!
Yesterday there was someone who thinks it was sad that many of us do not post new, but only follow others and post theirs. Now we were on Twitter for over 3 years and posted under several accounts. Then we came here and honestly no more after Biden was elected. And I've been awake for 14 years and am having enough now. Have lost everyone in my life and do not bother to listen to more shit from anyone- If people have not woken up now there is no hope for humanity and who are we to awaken here on Anon? I guess only those who are already aware of the dirt come here for news. I have posted I have been shouting loudly insanely much. My reward .. loneliness, people shun me like the plague. My children. grandchildren 5 siblings, cousins..EVERYONE IS GONE and has not seen them for many years-
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🙂Hi Thank you for your kind words. Yes I have seen some of your posts before. It is not easy dear life. But luckily I find strength in nature and my dog that I love dearly. Walking far every single day to counteract depression here by the ocean where I live. I do not want to write privately, but would like to communicate here on the site. Thanks again for the care.it gives joy and hope. Hope you too can find strength and find joy in other things we will have to help ourselves. Good evening to you.😉🙏
Only followers of this user (@Joey) can see their posts
😍Oh, this is your lovely dog. It is really sweet and they are a great comfort with unconditional love. And you live in the woods I did that 15 years ago I lived 4 miles inside a valley in the woods. It was great but the landlord wanted to sell so I had to move. So I chose to live by the sea which I love absolutely wildly. Enjoy the silence and tranquility of nature. You are really nice and well we can share our challenges here on earth. We hope everything will change and more joy and light will come to us. I'm there for you too. Thank you big hug from me.🙏🙂