#Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai son of Solomon -King David; RabbisForAnusim FB, GETTR; Torah Codes House of David: YT,Rum; ZemahBenYishai: GETTR, FB
Is the 4th Reich’s Dark Fleet abandoning Antarctica?
Is the 4th Reich’s Dark Fleet abandoning Antarctica? » Exopolitics
According to Elena Danaan, a former professional French archeologist who claims to be a contactee with the ‘Galactic Federation of Worlds’, an exodus of a German 4th Reich controlled &#…
https://exopolitics.org/is-the-4th-reichs-dark-fleet-abandoning-antarctica/abandoning or dissolving?
#Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai son of Solomon -King David; RabbisForAnusim FB, GETTR; Torah Codes House of David: YT,Rum; ZemahBenYishai: GETTR, FB
I was FlyAnon on Twitter and Gab... Supports Trump, Transparency, Q, Rule of Law and Disclosure of Crime in Government.
Lord Samuel...
how many strains of covid can be engineered with different virulents?
Phases releases to push to different vaccines of nefarious action during a rush of panic?
distribution of food and products going down and engineered crop failure?
be safe!