Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
Anyone else have eyes oh these things?
Gene Decode says this is mostly clearing the chaff from the wheat, clearing the predominately humanity bloodline. Cain's, from the predominately human bloodline, Abel's.
Are you on the Side that Oppresses or one that Liberates? GESARA: A Free United & Prosperous Humanity: WWG1WGA!
Pretty Much everything Gene says has been my conclusion since 2014.
Look at the story of NOAH... Apparently Noah and Shem his eldest son carried The Demon Seed - Reptilian DNA: RHO Negative blood.
No scientist can determine where this blood type comes from!
Look in to the story of Jacob and Edom. God renamed Jacob and The Earth Israel.
All those offsprings from Jacob with the spirit of God are The Semites: God's Chosen People.
Edom means RED (for his red hair). It was the nickname of ESAU: Jacobs older who tried to kill Jacob cox their father gave the family fortune to Jacob.
Cos of God's protection, Edom swore for all Eternity to rid The Earth of Jacob's offsprings.
Hence why Edom with the Serpent Seed (RHO-) is known as THE CURSE SEED. All of Edom's offsprings are EDOMITES: God's sworn enemies.
His offsprings became The Cananites, The lost 12 Tribes of Dan?... and The Illuminati: Zionist Jews.
Are you on the Side that Oppresses or one that Liberates? GESARA: A Free United & Prosperous Humanity: WWG1WGA!
As for the cleaning of the reptilian Gene with vaccines: NO supporting evidence. Does not sound right...
When humans were created by God, the Elohim, the human angels, all blood was Rhesus negative. After the fall, after ET races Annunaki/Sirian manipulated DNA to create a slave race, by adding the Rhesus monkey gene. This buffered much of ones natural use of extra sensory perception and made them easier to come under the authrority of their oppressors, then to live under their otherwise natural inutive guidance and falcuties delivered from the God Source within. Not all human DNA was altered and there still is the recessive original Elohim-Gods natural human angel creation, gene code in the mix of about 10% of the population. Both fallen angels and Gods right hand angels activate this gene when their soul enters the womb, to give them an extra sensory advantage for doing good or evil. Jesus Christ was RH-neg. The vax is designed to ensure none of Gods Elohim can activate it, nor any ascending soul achieving mastery. They can better make faustain deals with all incoming souls then. More-
The gene codes that allow for the extra sensory perception and direct intutive coucil with God Source and the Christ can be activated by ANYONE, no matter the blood type. It's just RH-neg blood has the automatic key code from birth and many souls come into a body with them switched on and spiral out of control under earths negative indluences and many end up what we call drug, sex and alcohol addicts-they are all searching to feel the high of being at one with God and got lost or feel into pits and traps set by the dark ones here. Any RH pos person through self work to master forgiveness, peace making, seeking and cultivating a Conection with God the Christ, even if it starts through faith alone, can activate it and will become more enhanced when they demostrate it can be used responcibly in service to God. I'll answer any questions best I can. Please just don't demonize all RH-neg people. It would be in ignorance.🙏💛
Thank you for explaining.
So do you think that the ones that took the vaxx did so because they were more easily mislead? Do you think that many of them will die? What is it about them that makes them more easily misled do you think?
Do you think we can save them from the affects of the vaxx?
I know Nana is always full of questions.
I think people can use epigentics and will power to reprogram this recoding of the chromosone in the vax, they can take NAC I am learning, or boron, or zeolites and use frequencies like Pulsed Electromagnetics ( I have a PEMF mat) or this
Discernment is critical.
IF they are going after RH negs, its not to kill off evil people. It's to kill off those who were made less able to control by the additon of the rhesus gene. You see, animals share an oversoul. Humans have a singular soul aspect of their own Oversoul self, providing for them a very powerful will. By adding the rhesus gene, they weakened the will power of the Oversoul in the human being. Remember, O is for Original, Gods first creation here and is why O minus the rhesus monkey gene, can be transfused into everyone safely. You B, A and AB negs are star seeded hybrids that shut off the rhesus gene when you entered the body. Most positives are newer souls learning in polarity or took it on to play more passive supporting roles for others. And remember, the soul of a Positive can be just as bright, powerful, advanced and close to God as any other. They can also switch off the rhesus gene at any time in their life, and some do change blood types in the same lifetime.
I have o negative rh negative blood. It acts as a key to unlock grid lines, portals and stargates to disable low vibration matrix and restore factory settings (God's way) Factory settings is a joke. :)
American Founding Family Descendant. Freedom warrior. AU test kitchen explorer. Discerning Dame.
I need to know more about this. Can you provide more detail?
IF, big IF the white hats get control of wireless tech around the world, they can stop a lot as what is in these things is dependent on being remote controlled wirelessly. Maybe a kill switch won't be used. Maybe they will just program the vaxxed to turn on the unvaxxed and fall in line with New World order rules, laws and proclaimations; a Luciferian world. It all depends on who has control of the right radio wave frequencies. It als depends on if the White Hats will distribute an antidoe to diable the nano tech and help the body dump it or they can restore the original integrity of the DNA with some advanced tech. I keep hope for such things. I have yet to meet a vaxxed person who regrets it. There are things to try if they do. GOD and only GOD breaths life into us and takes it out of us. If we die, it was with Gods permission and will that it be allowed so. Those close to God do not fear death, we fear the torture and enslavement of being remote controlled. I need a new window.
Anyone in fear is easy to mislead. Why did some become more afraid of catching corona virus or peer pressure or thought it was worth it to keep a job is the question and very individual to each person. I beleive those who researched well, understood we were in a normal flu season and that there was nothing extra ordinary to fear ( deaths in 2020 were no greater than in 2019) and that there was no sound reason for asking to be a part of a genetic altering experiement that killed all the animals in the clinical trials before being set free on us. Those that did their research also knew, many cures were available for corona flu viruses and that there was no need for an emergency vax release. We knew to get the cure from frontline doctors or to just take some extra D vitamin. I think people vaxed out of ignorance, or tovirtue signal, peer pressure of being not selfish, or to keep a job. Knowing what I do about tha vax, I would take a bullet to the head first. I need a new comment window