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She over in India?
Free-thinker. Truth-seeker. Lifelong student. Curious. Proud wife of USAF Vietnam vet
*surprised face*
Feb 24, 2020 at the Taj Mahal in Agra, India.
Really is eerie. Trolling or complicit? No way to tell with available info, but does give one pause. We already know that JK has changed, and she no longer wears her ring...
I work hard not to judge until evidence is available. From both sides... Sometimes it's too easy to use assumptions to form premature conclusions. Sleepers are everywhere, on both sides (good and evil, not R vs. D or lib/conservative).
Filing this one away for future...
Defender of Truth. Exposer of Lies. Patriot till Death.
That was the same day Q dropped us a C-O-I-N
Trump Played his C-O-I-N at the real Taj Mahal on the same day Q posts the PDF of Obama's C-O-I-N in 3882.