It's disgusting, the solution for every itch and twitch, synthetic poison drugs, which create more problems that lead to more drug-taking. Nature has something for everything, seek it out. Try the Curezone or Earth Clinic websites for a start. Find your local Naturopath or Holistic practitioner, the original doctors before the Rockefellers took over with their sick care and plastic drugs. SHUT your TVs off, it seems every commercial now is for a poison drug but it's worse than being programmed to think it's normal to be taking them. Its' not. The frequencies of television put our brain waves into hypnotic states. While they are reading off their list of possible side effects saying, "You may experience, nausea, headaches, skin rashes, irritability, constipation, and even death" what do you think is happening to you while in a mild hypnotic state? You are being programmed to manifest those symptoms. At least put your TV on mute during the commercials. That's my dad's trick. Ha! Godspeed