🍊ChildOfGod⛪Patriot🇺🇸FreedomFighter🗽DigitalSoldier👩💻Covfefe is "In the end we win.✝️"God woke you for a reason.侘寂 🌴

nooooooo this is child abuse.😟 Ya know what I am thinking. I think all of us adults who had these toxic poisons injected into our bodies as children, without our consent, should be able to SUE the public educational system, that demanded our parents do it to us to be allowed to participate in our parents tax-funded public education system. I have news for you all, most diseases, from cancer to endocrine system disorders and more were injected into us, worst of all being the pathogen behind Epstein Barr which severely compromises the immune system. 3 different versions of it were put in the vaccines starting in 1940. It's the underlying to many other maladies including shingles, which suddenly almost everyone I know over 6o has been suffering from. Research it. Plenty of info out there. This may be how we take down the childhood indoctrination system. If I were an attorney, I would start the class action against the federalized school system for forced vaccination requirements.

Yes, Let's have them added to the class action lawsuit, take them all down, we the grown children who were forcefully vaxxed by their mandates against our will and without our informed consent. Most all of us have or will be suffering from medical conditions caused by the poisons they injected into us. Is there any attorney out there willing to represent we the people who were intentionally and forcefully poisoned as children, take on the class-action lawsuit of all time? Plenty of evidence out there and witnesses to this and what was in them and why.

You’re right. I’m one of the vax injured from childhood. Infertility.

All of us have been compromised, all of us vaxxed children. We have a collective class action case. Keep spreading the idea and we need to get it traction until some brave attorney takes it on. They will become very wealthy. I don't need the money as much as I want to see these monsters taken down so no other child grows up with their health compromised by people working at a slow genocide of God's children and the human race. WE, all people who had poison pathogens injected into us as children deserve justice! They thought because the issues wouldn't show up until later in adulthood we wouldn't make the connection. Many health care experts did, the evidence exists, and it's time to take them down. many were murdered but they can't murder a massive MOB that uprises all at once so easily without waking up everyone else to what they did and continue to do to us.
The vaccines topic makes me so angry. I woke up to this evil when my husband visited a chiropractor 7 years ago. It sent me reading feverishly .... A year after that first chiro visit, we walked out of the pediatricians office, when we refused to let the nurse inject the vaccines they had already opened in the syringe. Guess, he did meet his target. He barged into the room without knocking, demanded to know why we wont let him vaccinate out 6 month old and that the stories on the internet are untrue. he was rude. I was shaking inside of me but walked out anyways never to return again. till today, i feel the intense desire to write to him the truth. I called another pediatricians office, just so that we have a doctor if needed. Asked them if they accept unvaccinated children. Told them not to waste my time nor theirs because i am not bringing my children to them if they force vaccinations. Thankfully, we are under a good doctor there. And thankfully, we do not visit the doctors

🇺🇸 WWG1WGA 🇺🇸 Be still and know that I am God. Ps 46:10
And thankfully we do not visit the doctors office even once a year. But i can see the differnce in my fully vaccinated child and the unvaccinated child. physical, emotional and behavioral issues. I know parents with severely damaged children ... it is painful. The evil DS has stolen the joy of parnethood and the joy of childhood depriving both parents and children a healthy lives. Autism, SIDS, dyslexia, asthama, eczema, enlarged heads in children, emotional and behavioral and more are all the effects of the vaccines that have heavy metals, chemicals and other poisons that open up the brain barrier. The vaccines given to mothers and the tetanus cause infertility and miscarriages. How did the doctors get so indoctrinated to buy into this evil? or was it just the bonuses and money the get to poison the children. Big Pharma should be bankrupted and the doctors held accountable.

(...)"Whom ever is navigating these storms and waters with us, we are aboard, and on deck, because alas~ WWG1WGA" ~R
I heared from medical students that there are sick sick people who become the doctors, and the balanced ones go one and do something else..👀that they hang female organs on their walls, "play around" and speak of such evils we all know about. So indoctrnated yes,but is there more to this? Is there something biological and biblical about all this?

My heart goes out to patents with vax injured children and those who dare to defy the orthodoxy that forces poisons into children. There is no compassion or support in that cruel system. God bless you for standing up for your children. 🙏