I love to crochet with yarn! 😊 GOD, is my ROCK & SALVATION! 🙏❤️
Father, God I pray as the days ahead come , that my brothers & sisters trust in you. Father, I pray that you fill your children with strength, with healing , with understanding , with hope & peace. I pray Father , they trust in their Faith & know with you NOTHING is impossible. I pray that my siblings Father lean on you, seek you, love you & call for you . Your love Father, wraps around us like a warm blanket on a cold day, bringing comfort & security. Father, we know you are here with us, & everything will be alright because you are a merciful Father, a forgiving Father, a Father that is loving. I pray Father for peace, for harmony , for hope & love. Father, I pray you return home soon, so we can not just feel your Holy Spirit but to see your blessed face, to speak to you in a living body & to enjoy sitting near you & sharing thoughts & memories. Father, God I pray you are doing well, you are rested & at peace.
In Jesus's name I pray,
Amen 🙏🕊️✝️

Prepared for YESHUAs Return ~ #GODWON #HoldTheLine #WWG1WGA
✝️PRAYERS UP ~ we're headed for MIRACLES!
*feeling U, Father, GOD...
moving us with the HOLY SPIRIT now and always ~
In JESUS precious name!!!

I love to crochet with yarn! 😊 GOD, is my ROCK & SALVATION! 🙏❤️

Prepared for YESHUAs Return ~ #GODWON #HoldTheLine #WWG1WGA
Good morning to U, Lady ~ may this day be blessed with POWER of GOD!!!

I love to crochet with yarn! 😊 GOD, is my ROCK & SALVATION! 🙏❤️
Thank you@thangel I pray you have a blessed day too filled with sunshine 🌅, & joy.😃 You are always in my thoughts & prayers my dear friend. God Bless you 🙏🕊️✝️❤️🤗❤️

Prepared for YESHUAs Return ~ #GODWON #HoldTheLine #WWG1WGA
and U are always in mine!🧡🙏
I feel Ur prayers, Marilyn and want you to know how much help and support are being delivered by your prayers ~ from one of God's worker bees to another ~ keep up the fabulous FAITH!!!

I love to crochet with yarn! 😊 GOD, is my ROCK & SALVATION! 🙏❤️
Thank you@thangel , that means so much to me! I will always keep up the faith because I BELIEVE in God Almighty & Yeshua with every part of my soul & spirit. I have been asked, how do you know God is real? My answer is always, look around you & tell me who created all this beauty & life if it wasn't God. I always plant that seed of thought. We see God's miracles daily but because of all that chaos & noise people are not seeing it. I pray that changes very soon. Many Blessings!🙏🕊️✝️ Love & Light❤️✨❤️

Prepared for YESHUAs Return ~ #GODWON #HoldTheLine #WWG1WGA
🕊️no, thanks needed, Love!
kicking out PRAISE for GOD almighty and YESHUA as confirmations and miracles abound ~ Ur right, just look around and see all GOD has given!
Love & Light to U, Lady!
I feel so blessed to have you as my dear friend! Thank you Father for bringing this beautiful angel 😇 in my life! 🙏❤️