Look at all the flights to GITMO out of Florida..........what is going on there????

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.
The commander of the base travels back and forth 2-3 times a day. The facility must also be supplied. Prisoners can only be moved by non military planes. So if you remove the Commanders fights and all military ones you will get planes that are either moving detainees or contractors. Hope this helps.
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Bigger question I have is who are on those flights??? 😁

Interesting but what are the dates of these flights? These could be spread out over a 6month period or a year or is it from 2 fri.'s ago to this past Sat.

just a lil patriot wondering around this strange place called exile. 🇺🇸 **twatter & buttbook are weenies**
go watch monkey werx on youtube. todays overwatch video has some very interesting info.