We the Patriots of the USA owe Elon Musk a debt of Graditude for the Space X program. Because of Space X, we were able to stop and board the Evergiven which is Walmarts call name and Ships stuck behind them as well. Space X also stopped the attempts to blow the Bomb that was aboard the Evergiven as soon as they were Boarded. Space X is gonna bring amazing healing technical aids for good health and Brain healing as well. CIA COMPOUND IN LANGLY VA. IS BEING EXPOSED, ARESTED AND A FIREFIGHT ENSUED AS WELL. JEANA HASKIL CAUGHT AND SHE IS TALKING NOW. EXPOSED EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING. THERE WERE 3 SHOTS FORED BUT THEY SAY 13. LIARS AND LOSERS ALL OVER CIA CORRUPT CRIME CYNDICAYE. ITS THE AUDIT THAT IS MAKING THEM CRAZY. 5 STATES NOW IN AUDIT PROCESS. DIRTY LAWYERS for brennan are desparite to stop Audits. Brennan gets hung on june 7