The Big Black Swan that will swan around in a Bigly Way! #WinningBigly is another way to say my name. Truly. Avid Donald Trump supporter!
A 1/Billion#WinningBigly 0 Delta with Santa ❤
Have you determined how this will end? Will Trump be reinstated?

The Big Black Swan that will swan around in a Bigly Way! #WinningBigly is another way to say my name. Truly. Avid Donald Trump supporter!
One can't be reinstated if one never went away.
Follow the EO's.

Just wanted to share this with you Mr.Buggeman! I have followed your research for a few years..I think you are a genius truly gifted...I wanted to share this vid..Golf and Jupiter come up..thought of your research..Thank you Mr.Buggeman! Take Care Kool Gurl Bluz