Hold the Line ..#HoldTheLine credits to Eye drop media .. video KEK team
awesome video, thanks
Great video, but instead of him living in GITMO they should have shown a grave site because the only sentence for treason is the death penalty!
Love my husband, family, angibals. BFF's with J.C. ✝️ Hospice RN for 16yrs (retired). Love our President Trump. Freedom or bust! WWG1WGA
Awesone!!! Great job!!!!
AWESOME JOB!!!!🇺🇸👍🏼😁👍🏼🇺🇸
wow! What a fabulous video. If anybody has twit or FB or other social media post this immediately.
“On earth as it is in Heaven” 55 WWG1WGA @movementiscomin
wow 👁wow ❤️ wow 🕊
20k sub Y/T channel removed June 3 2021. Visit our website for up to date uncensored content & to join our EMAIL LIST to be notified.
great video.
so happy to see how far my catchphrase has come!
Defend Freedoms... United We Stand... Honored to be Banned from Twatter with our President... 100%
😁WOW WOW WOW WOW! That was So Awesome!! Eye Drop Media, credit is due!