Patriots. Is it wrong that I think most all of my friends are idiots because they are too uncomfortable talking about; V[x] shedders, the jab is poison, pedos run our country, the Pope is a pedo, 80% of our budget is laundered out of this market by politicians, etc? Serious question because I can not hold back anymore and can't tolerate appeasing the sheep any more? I am losing friends and family right and left. I cannot tolerate appeasing the BS anymore and I have reached a point where I respond honestly. I have tolerated the BS in the spirit of keeping the peace thus far but I can no longer play along and they are offended beyond belief with truth bombs. Have you guys experienced this? I feel like I am the only one in my circle that is aware of what is going on and it is a true mind fQQk. Please let me know if you experience the same. Feeling a bit cra-cra here.
I tell some people to call me when everything they have heard
from me goes down and I will let them know how I knew.
You can go along to get along just so far, but I see that I am
a clone of you in mindset at least. Just tell them that the lying
and psyops from media and Govmt. is real, it will be exposed
by God and some brave people soon and that you will not
accept a fake narrative because the masses do