Well Queen Lady Romana Didulo - while I remain skeptical (I ascribe 100% to what you stand for - but Canada doesn’t need another Queen) - NOW’S YOUR TIME TO SHINE. WHAT ACTION ARE YOU TAKING? WHERE’S THE MILITARY?
I'm skeptical as well about Romana. I'm praying that this is true because the Turd can no longer be in charge. Problem is, there is a bunch...I mean a TON of Idiots here in Canada.
I believe in and will fight for freedom! Truth seeker and staunch President Trump supporter! #WWG1WGA 🇺🇸🦅
I heard a supposition that Didulo was placed to throw off the DS in Canada (maybe the absurdity of the claim she is making that she is “Queen Lady” of Canada?) - to get them to make a mistake like vote to end democratic process (identified that all but one MP are corrupt and voted support this). Another possibility is that this is a sign that Canada is under military control but has not been openly declared thus - the vote by MPs to suspend elections may be covering the fact that there would be no elections while the country was under martial law. The vote by parliamentarians exposes their corruption while simultaneously covering the transition to martial law (preventing panic in the public). All plausible but none of it provable.