Owner/Proprietor of Alice's Restaurant at The End Of The Universe https://gab.com/Drops7Of7Jupiter https://twitter.com/HadesLady777
Money is a construct. Why does money have value? Because someone told us it does. Do you really think that a piece of paper in itself has that kind of value? That a 20$ bill has value if the idea of Currency (Current - that which is in use now) was done away with? Is Virtual money really money? What we are dealing with is the INEQUITABLE DISTRIBUTION OF LABOR not money. We initially agreed (A greed) to taking a VOUCHER for services, instead of the 3 chickens we were owed. MONEY LENDERS FUCKED THAT UP. We'll lend you 3 chickens but you need to pay us back 5 chickens, sound good? Or does that sound suspiciously like a Crossroads Deal? I'll give you what you need to live now but when you can no longer produce.....good luck to you. Money really is the root of all evil. They destroyed the Tribal lifestyle, in which, WHERE WE GO ONE WE GO ALL. Get it? No one starves, because we feed them, no one hurts, because we help them, no one does it alone because#wwg1wga
Money is among 3 evil things on this planet that came directly from hell.