My view on all of this. Is that an extinction level pandemic was planned decades if not a century in advance Loosely. For around this time by the cabal / Illuminati. It did not work because the alliance stopped them in 2016 I do not think they were even close to pulling it off.
The pandemic could have never been caused from people spreading it to one another. Sickness doesn't work that way. It would have came from a mass inoculation of geoengineering spraying. The cabal's ability to spray chemtrails was severely compromised in 2017. So they went forward with the plandemic anyway but it was pretty much a dud. And mostly a psychological pandemic. For several years running we have had a legitimately bad flu season that kills thousands of people every year .
That was the real pandemic and it came from chemtrails something that every idiot wearing a mask refused to believe in for years even though it was right above their eyes if they ever bothered to look up at the sky. They basic
Facebook will no longer remove claims that Covid-19 was man-made - CNN
Facebook said it's no longer removing from its platforms claims that coronavirus was man-made. am here to research what is going on in our precious world. I'm a patriot and a free thinker.
yyThey basically just piggybacked our already unnaturally bad flu season with the psychological warfare through their control of mainstream media.
I believe the cabal is not in control anymore. And we are in a phase of a "movie" that is playing out which simulates the reality that the alliance thinks that the mass population is ready to believe in and accept. I think dr. Fauci and Bill Gates are both going to be publicly, I'm talking mainstream media public implicated in bioterrorism In Cahoots with the Wuhan Laboratories.
Gates and fauci in reality I think have already been taken down by the alliance. However not in the eyes the public. I think the movie is steering us towards this. That fauci and gates are going to have an epic Fall From Grace and will be exposed as villains in the covid-19 epidemic. And that it was a virus created in Wuhan China. This announcement from Facebook points towards the movie heading that way. I don't believe Zuckerberg is in control of Facebook he w