🔴Reptilian caught hissing 🐍 on TV??
These r real demonic entities. This goes beyond demon possession in our opinion. The ancient Sumerians who wrote the 1st ever written text on tablets, wrote about them. They called them the Annunaki. They’re believed to b demonic parasitic creatures from another planet who take over planets & suck the life out of them. Then when everything is destroyed, move to another. Elites today r mostly these reptilian shapeshifters. Don’t believe us. Do your own study on what the Sumerians wrote about them. They came to Earth to mine gold & created a slave species 2 worship them & do the work. By created we mean, they've been messing with r God-given perfect genes 2 make us more obedient. They haven’t fully succeeded though. Many of us are still free-thinkers. Therefore they’re still trying to alter our genes today to make us more compliant slaves. This is why they’re genetically re-coding us with their new vaccines. Fight these demons, never comply.


Loyal Patriot - Veteran Mom - Love my God and my country!
And it appears he realized what he did by putting his hands out to steady himself. Wow!

I believe it 100%
Did s a t a n look like a man to seduce Eve in the Garden?
That is exactly what makes sense to me.

Retired RN, :) Grandmother, Healer, envisions a free Canada and a free earth.
Thanks for this! Made me laugh!!!

And it seemed natural