Southern girl, loves animals, children, Elderly, disabled, & our Vets🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Firm believer in The Plan & permanently blocked by Twitter
The Towers were built as a sacrifice from day ONE??? Its hard to wrap your head around tgis kind of evil😢
Sadly I ALSO come from 1968
It's hard to accept we live in a world where this deep evil exist. I do believe the majority of humanity is good, so our thoughts can never consider these horrendous, deceptive things. "Sometimes you can not tell them, you must show them" I guess this statement has and will become more revelant as we move forward. There is much more good (you) that came out of 1968, and we are waking and raising up. We will take back our GOD given world💖

Southern girl, loves animals, children, Elderly, disabled, & our Vets🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Firm believer in The Plan & permanently blocked by Twitter
Yes we are, I had a “pre-scheduled” Awakening on my bday last November but it seems almost like Im going backwards pr stuck on pause for these past months since though.
Im an empath, not that I really recognized it for what it was until a few uears ago, I disnt even realize some of the things that would happen to me emotionally that I couldnt explain was OTHERS emotions until last uear so I became a recluse decades ago but my Awakening actually began with the Final Destination dvd game when the movie was first released, creepy story actually!😂
Long story short I labored under the belief I would DIE on my bday some future year & was houmded by seeing my bdate for uears on clocks & signs with oncreasing frequency until my last bday when I misunderstood my little inner voice & freaked out then the day AFTER my bday I just knew it was never my death I was being warned about but my Awakening so now Im basically fumbling in the dark!😂