Veteran, Constitutional Law, Equality. Restore Our Rights & Constitutional Laws • Trump 2024 Ordained by God.
Dead man walking if the world finds out about the truth with this man. He will never be able to be in a public place again and the same for all DS bueraucrates.
Dec 10 2020 Did you know USA Coasts were Battle ship ready both coasts!
Thank God for Trump..attempt to take over America.
PRAY!...for Safety of Patriots that God continue to give them wisdom & discernment!
50,000 Chinese Soldiers Were Bombed And Killed In Maine Which Was Listed As An Earthquake - Dark Outpost
Hal Turner Radio Show has just Reported, “50,000 Chinese Soldiers were Bombed and Killed in Maine which was listed as an Earthquake.” Then an F16 was taken down in Michigan. 3 Aircraft Carrier Battle Groups Deployed on the [...]
https://darkoutpost.com/news/50000-chinese-soldiers-were-bombed-and-killed-in-maine-which-was-listed-as-an-earthquake/#commentsThere are a lot of questions if this actually occured where we killed 50 thousand Chinese Soldiers in Maine. The Military Do Not Announce what they’ve done or will do. So you have to question something like this being said outside of the US Military.
Obama, Clinton, Biden and Brennan will “hang for treason” when this evidence comes out… BOMBSHELL recordings prove they had Seal Team Six EXECUTED to cover up d..
This story is rapidly unfolding and looks to be one of the most damning indictments of the deep state in modern U.S. history. According to numerous firsthand sources and witnesses, a treasure trove of audio, video and photographic evidence exists that reveals Obama, Clinton, Brennan and Biden to be&..
they were defending a DUMB. It resonates as mostly true for me