My heart breaks for the believers, the good people who love Jesus that have been spoon fed lies not only in the world but even in the Church. Infiltration has tricked many (even myself) with lies from the enemy! Lord help us all to wake up to your truths and helps is see the lies that have so captured our beliefs. Pray for eyes to see, ears to hear and the discernment to recognize Truth! He is coming soon. I pray that His people with their lamps full will recognize Him for who He truly is! Let us not be fooled by the deceivers of this world! Trust only God.. man is not to be trusted! Seek Truth and listen to what His Spirit speaks!
Trump supporter! Digital Soldier! Wife of army vet, mother and grandmother fighting for our freedom. #WWG1WGA #GODWINS #THEGREATAWAKENING
Love you all, and god bless each and everyone of us! I can not wait for the world to learn what God's true plans are for us.
(((Love))) God bless!