Pic 1. Nothing can stop what is coming. Shows the earth heating up. Tells you Qanon love their country. What would we do to save America? We would do anything, absolutely anything.
Pic 2. Who is Q, you are Q. Your neighbors are, the old lady down the street. All are Q. You have done research that people are paid big bucks to do, you did it for free because you love your country. You are part of the military intelligence. You are able to reach people they could not.
Pic 3. The great awakening. You must show them. They are looking at the sun, not children, not a country but the sun. What would we not do to save our children? This will be what unites the world to work as one, not saving the children who have been taken as much as saving those who are to come, they are our future.
Pic 4. The swamp runs deep. They run deep underground. They have their tunnels they hide in when this time comes. There is more to this but later.
Jesus loving patriot. Researcher, conspiracy analyst. memeist, content creator. Perpetually stationed on the digital battlefield