All things JFK Jr. Am not him. ;) Also on TS. This page does not believe JFK is still alive. But Jr. might be. Time will tell. Enjoy!
Who told you John Kennedy was still alive? Did you believe them at the time or think they were out of their minds? After a friend red-pilled me over three years ago and told me about Q and the Plan, I wept whenever I watched Joe M.'s "Plan to Save the World." By the time she told me about John still being alive, it all made sense. I still have friends and relatives who think I've lost it. But one day, I do believe he'll be back. If it's easy to believe that the CIA has all sorts of disguises they use around the world and that some people use disguises when they go into witness protection, why would it be so farfetched to believe John and his wife and sister-in-law are still with us? Asking those questions sent me on a journey. And I'm so glad we're all here to keep investigating and wondering. I think I've found my tribe, and I thank you for being here.🙏❤️ Please share your story of how you started to believe he's still alive on this side of life!
I watched (some) of Janet O. fall of the cabal in early 2020, & thats when I found out JFK JR was likely still alive....... What a magical day it will be for Humanity if / when he reveals himself publicly. 🙏❤️🌏