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They failed.
You have so much more to learn. Steel yourself, enjoy the years you have. DO NOT panic, it is a waste of time and energy. I asked you early what would you do if you only had 10 years to live. Start doing those things. Help each other. Look in the Q drops, find the other clues. Do this for yourself. Do it to prepare for what is to come. Masks were a test. Not by them. How much longer will it take before people believe the truth even though MSM says it's a lie. Will you believe Q+ when he tells you the storm is coming or will you believe MSM that says it isn't. Can you survive being couped up in rooms until routines are established? Can you remain calm? Can you be unhappy but not turn to violence knowing things will get better? Can you keep trust in someone who fights for you even though you are told they mean you harm. Can you keep that trust even though it may be weeks or months before you hear from them again? These are things that had to be known. You were being used.
Jesus loving patriot. Researcher, conspiracy analyst. memeist, content creator. Perpetually stationed on the digital battlefield