I'm going heavy CGI on you because this movie can end in ways unthinkingable. I want you prepared. Know the movie portion is just that the movie. The reality is the military is now in control until the new elections. Just remember we were warned the ending isn't for everybody. For those who are awake and paying close attention you'll do just fine. But the ride may get bumpy.
I love my God, Country, Family and DJT. Anon for 3 years. FULL TRUST in the plan. I am here to hold the line and be a Warrior for God.
🙏Wow I'm just so happy to of found ya'll. I felt orphaned in Twitter land until they sent me to twatmo. I held the line there as long as I could. Full of faith in God and the plan here.🙏
Tossed off Twitter, President Trump supporter, mom, wife, animal lover, C journalist, rabbit hole digger, Gen X, Mud Flood digger
Daughter of the King and thankful! Disclaimer: All posted & reposted comments are information purposes only.
I love that you,@Flpatriot, jumped right in to welcome another Patriot... how kind! Hope your day is blessed! We are heading to FL soon... please order up some nice weather for us? :)
Shorts weather today! Tomorrow looks good too.