Juan O Savin The Shocking Arrest? Buckle Up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uM8LMwIYiE

Love and Peace to all my brothers and sisters of the world.
if 107=black hat, he sure is doing a fantastic job...
future will prove past.

why do you listen to Juan or "Wayne W"? he knows nothing

Q, patriot, holistic healer for humans and dogs. Certified in dogs. I'll speak my mind no matter what. Be nice or get lost.
I have to agree with most of them. This shit cant get much worse. Juan is full of shit. He stringing people along telling his cocamamie stories and never telling us anything. don't listen to this fool anymore. He's doing nothing but keeping people tamed down...not anymore. i say lets stand up and fight...i have my guns.. i am ready. Military has FAILED US completely. They should have taken over a long time ago. FAILED..and Trump pushing deadly vaccine. As far as I am concerned..he's a murderer too. FUCK HIM and his bullshit games. People stand up and fight. dont depend on anyone...not the military, not Q,...not Juan not trump. They have all failed us. I am done being put through pure fucking hell. I have lost EVERYTHING and i have nothing more to lose. I am ready to fight!

Q, patriot, holistic healer for humans and dogs. Certified in dogs. I'll speak my mind no matter what. Be nice or get lost.
A comment from that video...I agree I had to quit watching the video now im back trying to see if i can get thru it. Its like he is trying to scare us ? which isnt fair since we dont know the plan well theres alot we dont know 100% pisses me off!

https://rumble.com/embed/va1u1p/?pub=ffxop https://wego.social/Patriot999 https://youtu.be/gPZNQpPTah0

Grieving Catholic, Grateful Grandfather, Advocate for Sanity
Expect Gollum to bite the ring off Frodo's finger before falling into the cracks of doom m.