I suspect that this site is being steered. Yesterday, I had a bunch of likes for a post I made 10 days ago that was really no big deal.
I posted a Scavino video yesterday, and not one like.
Are there things they (who's they?) want anons to see (at certain times), and others that they don't? 🤔
TrueQ Red White & Blue Patriot ! Love God, family & Patriots ! Support our Vets/Military Children lives matter Just love my America
I had 23 notifications and saw it drop to 3.
No safe sites
Just trying to shine some light into the darkness of this crazy crazy world!
i agree. was getting likes from a 13 day old post yesterday.... always stuck in a loop here
Jesus loving patriot. Researcher, conspiracy analyst. memeist, content creator. Perpetually stationed on the digital battlefield
Weird. I thought for sure I liked that one!