Donald J. Trump
9:10am May 25, 2021
New United States COVID cases, because of the record-breaking development of the vaccine and its early purchase and distribution by the Trump Administration, has hit its lowest level in more than one year, and falling fast. I want to thank all within the Trump Administration who pushed so hard for a vaccine and got it done in less than nine months when everybody was saying it would take at least 3-5 years, and probably not happen. Without the vaccine the world would be a much different place right now. Thank you also to the U.S. Military for its incredible distribution and logistical planning. Operation Warp Speed and our decision to purchase billions of dollars of vaccine before it was even approved, has been “One of the greatest miracles of the ages,” according to many. Thank you!

Wife, Mom, Daughter, Sister, Aunt. Love my Country.
Hard as it is to accept there are always innocent casualties in war. I say this as one who has many extended family members who took the vaccine. I still want to believe there is much we don't know about the vaccine that will make this all ok. As for the deaths from/with covid there is no hope. Peace to us all.

I am right there with you. If they are spreading the spike proteins I have to really wonder why they are allowing us.

Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior! Glory to God! Red pilled and full armor of God is strapped on. I do not consent to any evil plans.
I can’t take this anymore with him and this injection. People are dying from it. People are getting injured from it. They are just collateral damage?

The only piece that does not fit the Plan is vaccination. Why did they allow it to get to that point?

Just the facts; horse & dog lover; fiddle player; biscuit maker; artist
I'm truly missing the "jest" of this vaccine. Why are normal everyday good folks getting sick and dying from the vaccine, and many of us jumping up and down trying to educate people about the danger(s) of them. Women bleeding out, children's hearts enlarging, clots, etc.... They say more people have died from the vaccine than the actual "covid19" itself. This all is where I am very confused.