I will not go back to Twitter I'm sorry, I know you want me to, I could do a lot of good there, I know you've told me, but the toxic behavior I have suffered from individuals who claim to be within our own movement there is unbearable it drains all the goodness out of me. I was unfairly mistreated by selfish individuals who would rather stay in low vibe victimhood, self service and manipulate other people in order to get their way. They don't care about anybody else, they only care about themselves, money and attention and I was hurt by them severely. I loved them so much because I thought they were family and they betrayed me, I cried for days. Others in the group even complimented my pure heart before they too left due to the same pains inflicted on them by these same individuals. They hurt me because I tried to share what I knew, their arrogance and need to be in control prevented them from seeing the truth I was showing them and they called me evil for it.
I go back to facecrook and share the truth. FUN. lol Those platforms will come down eventually. But I do share truth on there. GOOD BOMBS of info thanks to this site. All are called to different things, I enjoy your informative posts.
I know twitter is not THE battlefield,
but it is one of many battlefields [4509],
that we are called to be on, for my part at this point time, it and facebook do not get nor deserve to take my energy from me.
They are toxic, too many are too afraid to stand up against the bullies within our movement there, they fear being labeled or accused of being judgemental rather than correcting bad behavior when they see it.
I am not on twitter, but yes all platforms matter.
Yes exactly! We have to spread out into multiple platforms to share the truth effectively.
YEP and I don't care what they say to me, well usually, I just swing harder, bot swarms and all, WORTH IT because you leave the real info behind. YEP.