A New Creation, Conspiracy Realist, ICU/ER RN. Are U grafted in the Tree of Life or still part of the tree of the Knowledge of GOOD & evil?
This is true. I am trained as a counselor but also spent a year learning various hypnotherapy techniques since my focus is on helping people with chronic illnesses and pain. The government, and others who want us terrified and compliant, use the reverse of my techniques. Where I want people to relax, learn to exert some control over their bodies, experience hope, etc. the government and media are using the language and techniques to confuse, isolate, make them not trust their own intuition, and feel like no problems can be solved without gov or pharma saviors. I have actually done some techniques on myself so I don’t hear that mess and then have it latch on in my unconscious mind. For example, I put my unconscious brain on alert so it would notice and then block the information that my brain already knows is untrue.