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Veteran, Constitutional Law, Equality. Restore Our Rights & Constitutional Laws • Trump 2024 Ordained by God.

In response COMMANDER VALIANTTHOR to his Publication

Here again is an Experts message on those who recieved the vaccine despit who the maker is of the Experimental Vaxx. People need to wake up and listen to all the Experts that have condemed this Experimental Vaccine. This is wgat genecide looks like using known deadly mRNA and other components in all current vaccines for CV19. My only disagreement there will be treatments ,but, will concede millions will die from the affects on your DNA from the mRNA that makes all your cells produce the spike protien and CV19. All who took the vaccine are dangerous to even be near due to sheading skin cells that have a variant of CV19 in them. Politicians are not Scientist and this is a political agenda for the NWO of a global population of 500 million from 7.2 Billion. Honestly, if my loved ones died because of this DS Agenda There will be zero mercy on those leaders that pushed it like drug dealers and the Board Members and CEO’s that made it and possibly killed 1/3 of humanity on earth.

The Governor from the State of Maryland is attempting to entice Maryland residents to get this Experimental Vaxx by giving away prize money! This is horrifying because there are many people in desperate financial need that might not otherwise even consider getting this Experimental Vaxx! If people were given Informed Consent about the risks involved, there should not be enough money in the world to get this jab and become permanently damaged or die!

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In response COMMANDER VALIANTTHOR to his Publication

There goes everyone I know in my line of work...however, when bringing up questions I am told that I have "problematic thinking".

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