OMG...Psycho Joe is totally losing it. He knows Justice is on the way.
From The Storm Has Arrived 17
Forwarded from MistyG
They are panicking like we’ve never seen before.. - Dave X22 report
ISO "My People" and trustworthy information. The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
He is, of course, referring to the people who burn our flag, kneel during our National Anthem, and spent YEARS impeaching our democratically elected president over bogus charges, right?
#GodWins #GreatAwakening #Christian #BuildtheWall, #Deplorable #DrainTheSwamp #MAGA #Patriot #QAnon #Trump2021 #WWG1WGA #PureBlood #IFB
I don't know what's scarier. Joe totally losing it, or the people who tune into MSNBC daily to watch Joe, and actually believe everything coming out of his mouth.
Woman of God, believe in common sense, love the USA, and also PRESIDENT TRUMP!!!
wow just wow! He is becoming unhinged. God bless all God fearing Patriots all over the world! wwg1wga
🍊🍊🍊MAGA KAG Trump Won! 🙏🏻💛🇺🇸WWG1WGA 🙏🏻💛🇺🇸 I Love President Trump and the most Beautiful and Kind First Lady ever!!! 💕
That was hysterical! 🤣 He is freaking out!!!
Joe means he is also a pedivore, and a mason, and a pos. AND this is not a fkin democracy.
Unapologetic Conservative from Cedar Rapids, IA who loves GOD, country, President Trump, & Patriots.
Joe and his consenting wife's days are most definitely numbered and HE KNOWS IT. Can't wait to get rid of ALL MSM and start over again.
God fearing, Jesus loving, constitution loving, Trump supporter,and most of all SAVE THE CHILDREN!
No Joe we are not buying into your lies and deceit. We love our constitutional republic and will fight for it. Why are you so angry if some people do audits if there is no fraud going on? You need to find a new country to live in Joe. How about communist China Joe?
Jesus loving patriot. Researcher, conspiracy analyst. memeist, content creator. Perpetually stationed on the digital battlefield
So when we complain it is racist, but when they do, it is called patriotic. LMAO
Can you say hypocrite?
OMG Get a new one already.
We see right through all of you!
God Loving Husband Father Maga Q🇺🇸🙏🌏Sacrifice Everything for the betterment of Mankind!
someone please find a clip of him crying like a bitch when TRUMP WON/ AND STILL IS WINNING
what happened to your intern Joey?
God Loving Husband Father Maga Q🇺🇸🙏🌏Sacrifice Everything for the betterment of Mankind!
take out the person delivering the speech and it nails it for me! However, coming from him we all fully understand He and I have different meanings of the speech! I STAND FOR GOD ALMIGHTY AND FREEDOM