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you all havent figured out all elections are fixed and who we vote for doesnt matter..........wake up

True. Learn your lessons, if you live in a blue state. Dems=Lockdowns. Pro-Trump Republicans= FREEDOM!
You choose!

Because of states rights, it should be more important, as long as we don't have a President selling us out to war mongers or signing bad trade deals. It's becoming more clear that many Governors were selected by the DS, not elected by the people. We need election integrity and auditing back in play first for our votes to matter. My state still requires a 10 day house arrest if you refuse to have morgellons rammed into your brain (negative test) or to be poison jabbed. Masks are required in doors and in lines, including gyms and schools, many school children are even required to wear masks outside, in the heat while playing sports, restaurants have seating minimums and many business are requiring employees to be jabbed. Very corrupt state that uses mail in ballots only. Hawaii also just starting using an official Vaccine Passport to fly interisland. I remember reading somewhere that Obama GAVE California and Hawaii to China. 8 out of 10 I encounter voted for Trump and a different Gov