Everything is Connected. Be the light. Be the change.

In school they taught us that our heart is just a muscle.

But, did you know that neuro cardiologists today are suggesting that 60-65% of our heart cells are actually neuro cells, not muscle cells. The hearts neuro cells are identical to the ones in our brain. They operate through the same connecting ganglia and they use the same neuro transmitters that our brains do. So, does this mean quite literally that your heart has thoughts?

Because of these heart thoughts, biophysicists are now saying that your heart creates it’s own entire electromagnetic field. This electromagnetic field effects your brain by immersing it in whatever wavelength your heart is emitting. Which translates to, your heart is literally creating the environment in which your brain thinks.

It really makes you wonder, how much should we actually be listening to our hearts? Could our heart be our super power, not just within but between each other?

Your heart creates the greatest of electromagnetic fields in your body. It effects your brain but more importantly it effects the hearts and minds of all those in your proximity. It creates an orbit of attraction.

In response Amber Waves to her Publication

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Everything is Connected. Be the light. Be the change.

In response Purpose Prophet to his Publication

I love this. It's a gentle reminder of our impact on those around us, and also that if you/or others are having a bad day in your head space that you can focus on the heart instead. There are blessings in all struggles but you have to open your heart AND mind to see them.